USBC has been helping New Mexico communities prosper since 1986 by promoting fair housing, fair lending, crime prevention, financial literacy, locally-based commercial development, opportunities for youth, and social justice.

Through community-based partnerships and legislative advocacy USBC has increased the availability of safe, decent and affordable housing for low and moderate-income New Mexicans. In addition to being an active promotor of fair housing, USBC is New Mexico’s leader in foreclosure prevention. Only USBC provides a full range of foreclosure assistance, with housing counselors and legal services under one roof.

USBC also believes strongly that providing a solid foundation for our youth is the best way to promote and ensure equity in our communities. To that end we have started a number of initiatives to support and develop our local youth including a free after-school program, an award-winning charter school, and a year-round educational community garden.

We also recognize that communities thrive when residents take ownership of problems and opportunities and come together to generate solutions. Our current endeavors include the Historic Neighborhood Alliance (HNA), an initiative to protect quality of life and home values in low-income neighborhoods of color and give low-income families a voice in public policy affecting their neighborhoods. USBC has also pioneered an anti-racism training program that exposes the historical roots of racism and its grip on society today while providing participants the tools for change.


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